As We Heard It – April 3, 2015

The swearing-in ceremony for Mayor Bob Buckhorn and City Council was on Wednesday.

The event looked more like a coronation, but it sounded like Buckhorn’s kickoff to his gubernatorial race. It had its own gospel chorus; bagpipers escorted the mayor in and a film of the best of Mayor Buckhorn was shown to the crowd…to read more, buy a paper

After the swearing-in, City Council met to reorganize and elect its officers.

Last week, we wrote it would be between Frank Reddick and Charlie Miranda. We added that if the vote were held then, Reddick would win with Councilman Mike Suarez being his fourth vote.

Our prediction was right on the money. Yolie Capin nominated Reddick for chair and he received four votes – Guido Maniscalco, Capin, Suarez and Reddick. This was a big shift in city government. Miranda was chair for the last four years; the mayor wanted Miranda to maintain the post and even campaigned for it.

Does this mean that Council could be more difficult for Mayor Buckhorn to manage? Could be…to read more, buy a paper

County Commissioner Les Miller will hold a fundraiser for his 2016 reelection campaign at noon on Thursday, April 9, at the Columbia Restaurant…to read more, buy a paper

A meet and greet for Democratic Congressman Patrick Murphy, who is running for U.S. Senate, will take place on Friday, April 10, at Mise en Place, at 442 W. Kennedy Blvd…(to read more, buy a paper)

The Seminole Tribe wants a simple quid pro quo – an extension of its exclusive gaming compact from the Florida Legislature in exchange for a $1.6 billion expansion of its hotels and property in Tampa and Hollywood, Florida.

The Tribe says it won’t expand unless it gets to keep its gambling monopoly, which sunsets soon. It also pitches that its building expansion is good for Floridians.

What’s good for the Seminoles is not necessarily good for Tampa or Florida. There is little evidence that visitors to the Tampa Hard Rock Casino spend any money beyond Seminole property…(to read more, buy a paper)

District Court of Appeal Judge Matthew Lucas will be robed at his investiture ceremony on Friday, April 24, at 11 a.m. in Courtroom One, at the George Edgecomb Courthouse…(to read more, buy a paper)

Respected architect and longtime member of the Krewe of Sant’ Yago, Enrique Woodroffe, was named president of the Westshore Alliance…(to read more, buy a paper)

The Hillsborough County Democratic Party will hold a fundraiser celebrating an all-Democratic city of Tampa government.

The event is on Saturday, April 11, from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m., at the Cuban Club. It will feature Cuban cuisine, flamenco dancing, Spanish guitar and a cash bar. Tickets are $35 and can be ordered by calling Mark Hanisee at 727-278-1521 or by emailing

This is one of the better fundraisers held by the Party in many years. We hear the total is hovering around $20,000. If so, the Party’s hiring of Hanisee to help with fundraising has already paid off.(to read more, buy a paper)

Congresswoman Kathy Castor held a well-attended forum on regulations regarding trade and travel with Cuba. She brought down experts from the Office of Foreign Assets Control to try and clarify what is a confusing list of rules and regulations…(to read more, buy a paper)